Christian Bunnenberg
Christian Bunnenberg holds the professorship for historical didactics at the Ruhr-
Universität Bochum, where he additionally supervises the public history masters
course. After receiving his diploma in teaching and the conclusion of his masters
in history and German in Münster, as well as the completion of his second state
exam, he became a scientific assistant and academic advisor at different
German universities. His research focuses on history in immersive media,
historical learning under digital conditions, as well as the history of the 19th and 20th

Thorsten Logge
Thorsten Logge holds the junior-professorship for public history at the University
of Hamburg. He studied history, political sciences and psychology in Hamburg
and Gießen. Subsequently he worked as a scientific assistant and recently as
coordinator for the public history department at the University of Hamburg. His
research focuses on performance and mediality of history in public spaces,
nations and nationalism, collective identities and German-Americana.