• Tagungsprogrammankündigung. #History on social media
  • Vorstellung Panel 1. Collecting, Archiving, Access. Vorträge: Social Media Archives von Beatrice Cannelli. Archiving and preserving the present of the past von elias Stouratis. What we can learn about social media from Web1.0 von Jens Crueger.
  • Vorstellung Panel 2. Community, Identity, History. #HistoryTok: engaging with marginalised histories on TikTok von Tom Divon und Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann. Markomeannu festivala is on Snapchat von Erika De Vivo. Facebook and the Reconstruction of Northern Nigerian History von Nadir A. Nasidi.
  • Vorstellung Panel 3. Producers, Users, Reception. Digital (hi)story telling with social media von Christian Mathis und Elias Stouraitis. Is the essential invisible to the eyes? von Charlotte Husemann. Big Data and interdisciplinarity von Hannah Müssemann.
  • Vorstellung Panel 4. Big Data, Multimodality, Methods. History in latent space von Robbert-Jan Adriaansen. Remebering to forget von Mykola Makhortykh, Mayna Sydorova und Aleksandra Urman. Mentions of 20th century historical figures in Russian social media posts von Alisa Maksimova und Olga Logunova. Their bluster is organised laughter von Vanessa Prattes.
  • Vorstellung Panel 5: Algorithms, Bias, Distortion. Lets talk about algorithms! von Anja Neubert. History for non historians. Jayashabari Shankar. Distorting history and memory through social media von Bulkhia U. Panalondong. About making a happy history von Merle Strunk.


Erstellt am 19/10/2022 auf Instagram
English Below!
Am 11. & 12. November 2022 findet endlich unsere internationale Online-Tagung „#History on Social Media – Sources, Methods & Ethics“ statt. 🥳 Im Rahmen von fünf Panels präsentieren internationale Wissenschaftler*innen verschiedener Disziplinen Einblicke in ihre Forschung: Es wird um Geschichte auf Social Media, um Akteur:innen oder auch methodische Reflexionen gehen. Die Tagung wird via Zoom stattfinden. Zur Teilnahme ist eine Anmeldung bis zum 9. November notwendig. Den Registrierungs-Link und den gesamten Zeitplan (inklusive Kaffeepausen 😉) findet ihr in unserer Bio!

🇬🇧 We are hosting the international online conference „#History on Social Media – Sources, Methods & Ethics“ on November 11 and 12. 🥳 During five panels, international scholars from different disciplines will present insights into their research: There will be discussions about history on social media, about actors as well as methodological reflections. The conference will be held via Zoom, registration until November 9 is necessary to participate. Registration as well as the complete schedule (including coffee breaks 😉) can be found through the link in our bio!
#SocialMediaHistory #History #DigitalHistory #PublicHistory #Conference #SocialMediaResearch #Research #CommunicationStudies #TikTok #WissKomm #ScienceCommunication #SocialMedia #SMH22